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Category Archives: Eye Health and Diseases

Cleaning Your Glasses 101

Your glasses are one of the essential things you wear every day! Your eyewear helps you navigate the world around you, learn new things, and give you the ability to make memories with friends and family. Are you taking the best care of them? One of the best ways to keep you seeing your best…
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How Eating Healthy Affects Your Eyes

The foods and vitamins you consume affect your body's overall health, including your eyes. With a healthy diet and lifestyle, the likelihood of developing some eye diseases and health disorders dramatically decreases. With a few simple steps, your body will thank you later! Eating Healthy Foods One of the best things you can do is…
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Eye Exams: What to Expect

Yearly comprehensive eye exams are crucial to detecting changes in your vision and risk of eye-related diseases. We recommend adults have a comprehensive eye exam every year, and children should have an eye exam as early as six months before they start school, and then every 1-2 years. We often get questions about what to…
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Signs You’re Suffering From Computer Vision Syndrome

As our world becomes increasingly digital, the number of people suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) has also increased. Raise your hand if you have experienced one of the following symptoms. eye strain difficulty focusing red, dry, itchy, or burning eyes blurry or double vision eye twitching nearsightedness, also called myopia headaches neck or shoulder…
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